[GOODIE] KeyBinder - SystemWindow Switcher

Hernan Tylim htylim at yahoo.com.ar
Sun Aug 8 06:33:31 UTC 2004

	A couple of days ago someone asked on this list if it was
possible to switch between SystemWindows in squeak like you do in

	Well, before wasn't posible, now it is. I present to you

	The idea behind KeyBinder is to provide a mechanism for
assigning global key bindings. KeyBinder does this by changing the way
Squeak handles Keyboard events, it basically adds to HandMorph the
ability to manage more than 1 keyboard focus. The main advantage of this
approach is that it can capture any keyboard event that is generated on

	As a proof on concept for KeyBinder I made a KeyBinding for
switching between SystemWindows. With <cmd>-\ (backslash) you will be
able to switch forward, while with <cmd>-| (pipe) you will be able to
switch backwards.

	To test KeyBinder just file it in and from a Workspace evaluate:
"KeyBinder new openInWorld". A tiny green rectangle will appear on the
top left corner of the World. Click on the rectangle with the right
mouse button and select: 'add Window Switcher' to enable the key binding
of window switching, and that's it. Try it and have fun.

	And please (please!) tell me what you think about it.


ps: 3:32 am, time to go to sleep.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7gamma of ''17 July 2004'' [latest update: #5985] on 8 August 2004 at 3:00:46 am'!
"Change Set:		KeyBinder-hpt
Date:			8 August 2004
Author:			Hernan Tylim

Here in Argentina are 3 am and this is not time for writing preambles, so please look at the code and treat it as a proof of concept.

After filing in evaluate: KeyBinder new openInWorld and a little box will appear on the topLeft corner of your desktop, Click on the morph with the right (yellow) mouse button and select: 'add Window Switcher'. To switch forward hit <cmd>-\ (backslash) and to switch backwards hit <cmd>-| (pipe).

Morph subclass: #HandMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'mouseFocus keyboardFocus eventListeners mouseListeners keyboardListeners mouseClickState mouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent targetOffset damageRecorder cacheCanvas cachedCanvasHasHoles temporaryCursor temporaryCursorOffset hasChanged savedPatch userInitials lastEventBuffer genieGestureProcessor additionalKeyboardFocuses '
	classVariableNames: 'DoubleClickTime EventStats NewEventRules NormalCursor PasteBuffer ShowEvents '
	poolDictionaries: 'EventSensorConstants'
	category: 'Morphic-Kernel'!
BorderedMorph subclass: #KeyBinder
	instanceVariableNames: 'keyBindings enabled'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'KeyBinder'!
Object subclass: #KeyBinding
	instanceVariableNames: 'enabled'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'KeyBinder'!
Smalltalk renameClassNamed: #WindowSwicherKeyBinding as: #WindowSwitcherKeyBinding!
KeyBinding subclass: #WindowSwitcherKeyBinding
	instanceVariableNames: 'windows last'
	classVariableNames: ''
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'KeyBinder'!

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'focus handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 01:52'!
addAdditionalKeyboardFocus: aMorph
	(self additionalKeyboardFocuses includes: aMorph)
		ifFalse: [self additionalKeyboardFocuses add: aMorph]! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'focus handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/7/2004 23:47'!
	^additionalKeyboardFocuses ifNil: [additionalKeyboardFocuses _ OrderedCollection new].! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'focus handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 00:12'!
clearFocusHolder: aMorph
	self keyboardFocus == aMorph
		ifTrue: 	[^self keyboardFocus: nil].
	(self additionalKeyboardFocuses includes: aMorph)
		ifTrue: [self removeAdditionalKeyboardFocus: aMorph].! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'focus handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/7/2004 23:48'!
	^self additionalKeyboardFocuses copyWith: self keyboardFocus.! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'focus handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/7/2004 23:43'!
	keyboardFocuses ifNil: [keyboardFocuses := OrderedCollection new].
	^keyboardFocuses! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'focus handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/7/2004 23:49'!
removeAdditionalKeyboardFocus: aMorph
	self additionalKeyboardFocuses remove: aMorph! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'private events' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 01:18'!
sendFocusEvent: anEvent to: focusHolder clear: aBlock
	"Send the event to the morph currently holding the focus"
	| result w e |
	w _ focusHolder world ifNil:[^ aBlock value].
	w becomeActiveDuring:[
		ActiveHand _ self.
		ActiveEvent _ anEvent.
		e _ (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self)).
		result _ focusHolder handleFocusEvent: e	.
		anEvent wasHandled: e wasHandled.
	^result! !

!HandMorph methodsFor: 'private events' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 01:09'!
sendKeyboardEvent: anEvent
	"Send the event to the morph currently holding the focus, or if none to the owner of the hand."

	self fullKeyboardFocuses do: [:focusHolder |
		"(anEvent keyCharacter = $\) ifTrue: [self halt]."
		anEvent wasHandled
			ifFalse: [self sendEvent: anEvent focus: focusHolder clear:[self clearFocusHolder: focusHolder]]].! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:52'!
	super initialize.
	keyBindings _ OrderedCollection new.
	self registerAsAdditionalFocusHolder.
	self borderWidth: 1.
	self extent: 15 at 15.
	self updateColor.! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 01:03'!
	self activeHand addAdditionalKeyboardFocus: self.! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:50'!
	self enabled
		ifTrue: [self color: Color green muchLighter]
		ifFalse: [self color: Color red muchLighter]! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'key bindings' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 00:28'!
addKeyBinding: aKeyBinding
	keyBindings add: aKeyBinding! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'key bindings' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:39'!
	| alreadyHave forAddition |
	alreadyHave _ self keyBindings collect: [:ea | ea class].
	forAddition _ KeyBinding allSubclasses difference: alreadyHave.
	^forAddition collect: [:ea | ea new].! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'key bindings' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:30'!
	^keyBindings ifNil: [keyBindings _ OrderedCollection new]! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'key bindings' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 00:42'!
keyBindingsForEvent: anEvent
	^keyBindings select: [:aKeyBinding | aKeyBinding handlesEvent: anEvent]! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:16'!
handlesKeyboard: anEvent
	^self enabled and: [(self keyBindingsForEvent: anEvent) notEmpty]! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:09'!
handlesMouseDown: anEvent
	^anEvent yellowButtonPressed! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 01:04'!
keyStroke: anEvent
	(self keyBindingsForEvent: anEvent) do: [:aKeyBinding | aKeyBinding handleEvent: anEvent].! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:11'!
mouseDown: anEvent
	self invokeMenu: anEvent! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'menu' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:45'!
addKeyBindingsForAdditionToMenu: aMenu
	self availableKeyBindingsForAddition do: [:aKeyBinding |
			add: 'add ', aKeyBinding name
			selector: #addKeyBinding:
			argument: aKeyBinding]! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'menu' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:32'!
addKeyBindingsToMenu: aMenu
	self keyBindings do: [:ea |
			addUpdating: #enableOptionString 
			target: ea 
			selector: #toggleEnable 
			argumentList: EmptyArray]! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'menu' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:17'!
	^(self enabled
		ifTrue: ['<yes>']
		ifFalse: ['<no>']), 'KeyBinder enabled'.! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'menu' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:46'!
invokeMenu: anEvent
	| aMenu |
	aMenu _ MenuMorph new
		defaultTarget: self;
		addUpdating: #enableOptionString action: #toggleEnable;
	self addKeyBindingsToMenu: aMenu.
	self addKeyBindingsForAdditionToMenu: aMenu.
		add: 'exit' action: #delete.
	aMenu popUpEvent: anEvent in: self world.! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:50'!
	enabled _ false.
	self updateColor.! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:49'!
	^self enabled not.! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:48'!
	enabled _ true.
	self updateColor.! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:15'!
	^enabled ifNil: [enabled _ true].! !

!KeyBinder methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:18'!
	self enabled
		ifTrue: [self disable]
		ifFalse: [self enable]! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 00:30'!
handleEvent: anEvent
	self subclassResponsibility ! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:33'!
handlesEvent: anEvent
	^self enabled! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:25'!
	enabled _ false.! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:25'!
	^self enabled not! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:25'!
	enabled _ true! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:35'!
	^(self enabled
		ifTrue: ['<yes>']
		ifFalse: ['<no>']), self name, ' enabled'.! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:25'!
	^enabled ifNil: [enabled _ true]! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:25'!
	^self className.! !

!KeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:34'!
	self enabled
		ifTrue: [self disable]
		ifFalse: [self enable].! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 00:38'!
	^self systemWindows detect: [:aWindow | aWindow isActive]! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:22'!
	^self windows detect: [:ea | ea isActive].! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:05'!
handleEvent: anEvent
	| w | 
	anEvent wasHandled: true.
	w _ anEvent keyCharacter = $|
			ifTrue: [self prevWindow]
			ifFalse: [self nextWindow].
	w ifNotNil: [w activate].! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:33'!
handlesEvent: anEvent
	^(super handlesEvent: anEvent) 
		and: [	((anEvent commandKeyPressed & (anEvent keyCharacter = $\)) | 
				(anEvent commandKeyPressed & (anEvent keyCharacter = $|)))]! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:21'!
	| w current |
	current _ self currentWindow.
	w _ self windows.
	w isEmpty 
		ifTrue: [nil].
		ifNil: [w first].
	^(w last == current) 
			ifTrue: [w first] 
			ifFalse: [w after: current ifAbsent: [w first]]! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:21'!
	| w current |
	current _ self currentWindow.
	w _ self windows.
	w isEmpty 
		ifTrue: [nil].
		ifNil: [w first].
	^(w first == current)
			ifTrue: [w last]
			ifFalse: [w before: current ifAbsent: [w last]]
	! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'event handling' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 01:44'!
	| w |
	w _ ActiveWorld submorphs select: [:aMorph | aMorph renderedMorph isSystemWindow].
	windows addAll: (w difference: windows).
	windows removeAll: (windows difference: w).
	^windows.! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 01:39'!
	windows _ OrderedCollection new.
	direction _ #forward! !

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'hpt 8/8/2004 02:35'!
	^'Window Switcher'! !

WindowSwitcherKeyBinding removeSelector: #systemWindows!
WindowSwitcherKeyBinding removeSelector: #toggleDirection!
WindowSwitcherKeyBinding removeSelector: #updateWindows!

!WindowSwitcherKeyBinding reorganize!
('event handling' activeSystemWindow currentWindow handleEvent: handlesEvent: nextWindow prevWindow windows)
('initialization' initialize)
('accessing' name)

KeyBinding removeSelector: #menuOptionString!

!KeyBinding reorganize!
('event handling' handleEvent: handlesEvent:)
('accessing' disable disabled enable enableOptionString enabled name toggleEnable)

KeyBinder removeSelector: #availableKeyBindings!
KeyBinder removeSelector: #keystroke:!

!KeyBinder reorganize!
('initialization' initialize registerAsAdditionalFocusHolder updateColor)
('key bindings' addKeyBinding: availableKeyBindingsForAddition keyBindings keyBindingsForEvent:)
('event handling' handlesKeyboard: handlesMouseDown: keyStroke: mouseDown:)
('menu' addKeyBindingsForAdditionToMenu: addKeyBindingsToMenu: enableOptionString invokeMenu:)
('accessing' disable disabled enable enabled toggleEnable)

HandMorph removeSelector: #addKeyboarFocus:!
HandMorph removeSelector: #removeKeyboarFocus:!
Morph subclass: #HandMorph
	instanceVariableNames: 'mouseFocus keyboardFocus eventListeners mouseListeners keyboardListeners mouseClickState mouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent targetOffset damageRecorder cacheCanvas cachedCanvasHasHoles temporaryCursor temporaryCursorOffset hasChanged savedPatch userInitials lastEventBuffer genieGestureProcessor additionalKeyboardFocuses'
	classVariableNames: 'DoubleClickTime EventStats NewEventRules NormalCursor PasteBuffer ShowEvents'
	poolDictionaries: 'EventSensorConstants'
	category: 'Morphic-Kernel'!

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