[Q][DOC] SmaCC compiler compiler development tool

Hannes Hirzel hirzel at spw.unizh.ch
Wed Aug 11 07:53:52 UTC 2004


I have installed the SmaCC compiler compiler development tool (in Squeak
3.6, I didn't test yet Squeak 3.7).


It is an excellent piece of software. At least this is the first

It comes with an excellent GUI and an easy to understand step by step tutorial.
You can try out things instantly.

With this tool writing parsers becomes a straightforward task (at least
from the tool point of view).

I updated an existing Swiki page on SmaCC

Are there more example grammars published on the net or would
like to contribute them? Even very simple ones are well come because they
serve as a learning aid (Basic, Pascal and C-like languages) or example
parsing simple natural language?

Please send a link to the list or directly add it
to http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/3117

Thank you

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