Choosing an OS for the Dual athlon...

Jimmie Houchin jhouchin at
Fri Aug 13 21:07:02 UTC 2004

Jason Rogers wrote:
> On Friday 13 August 2004 12:36 pm, Alan Grimes wrote:
> You can grab a Gentoo Linux LiveCD ( and install only what's 
> desired as a GRP install.
> As far as non-bloated WMs, try Flux/BlackBox/IceWM/etc.  They are all 
> lightweight.  I have all three installed on my machine and use them 
> regularly.  The choice of when to use one is dependent on how much resource I 
> think I need to available (if KDE is going to chew up too much I go with one 
> of these).  The choice of /which/ one to use at the time is a highly 
> scientific approach... what are my iTasteBuds longing for at the time. ;-)

I am installing Gentoo Linux on my dual Opteron server.
I have been running Gentoo on it for awhile and it has worked great.

You could also try XFCE4 for your desktop environment. It is supposed to 
be pretty lean. I would give it a try on my setup, but I am in the 
process of setting it up as a server and removing all desktop software.
At this time it won't even have Xfree on it.

If you can download the ISO(s) to your other Box and install whatsoever 
you want. Then enjoy.

I'm a Mac user the rest of the time. So that's my spin. :)


Jimmie Houchin

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