Set>>add: should ignore nil argument

Richard A. O'Keefe ok at
Tue Aug 17 01:57:40 UTC 2004

I wrote:
    I have my own collection library now, developed for my own education,

Andres Valloud <sqrmax at> wrote:
	Did you do this by extending Squeak's collection or did you
	start from scratch?
I started from scratch.  The code is not limited by any pre-existing licence.
It is also unusable except in my still-unfinished-but-slowly-getting-there
Smalltalk->C compiler.  Some parts of it have been tested in Squeak, but it's
painful; I don't have a .cs generator yet.  Should be doable, mind.  It's
based on the ANSI specifications, with a little creative reading between
the lines where the ANSI specification is incomplete or inconsistent, which
it too frequently is.

I am still learning a lot by doing this.

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