Removing obsolete classes (5976)

Pavel Krivanek squeak1 at
Sat Aug 21 15:32:18 UTC 2004

This will safely remove all instances of obsolete classes from Squeak image

| wrong |
wrong := Association allInstances
 select:  [ :a | (a key = #DefaultMap) and: [a value asString beginsWith:
'an AnObsolete'] ].
wrong do: [ :a | a value: (SMSqueakMap allInstances first) ].
Smalltalk garbageCollect.

and this will remove obsolete classes. Is it a safe way?

| set |
set := WeakSet newFrom: Smalltalk obsoleteClasses.
set do: [ :class | class becomeForward: nil. ].
Smalltalk garbageCollect.


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