Trait 1.1 and Basic 3.7 gamma2

PhiHo Hoang phiho.hoang at
Mon Aug 30 08:03:47 UTC 2004


	I've been trying to load Traits beta 1.1 (r2) from SM
	into Basic 3.7 gamma2 image a few times and it always 
	failed after 1559 classes were recompiled.

UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #methodsFor:stamp:

	Receiver: nil
	Arguments and temporary variables: 
		aMessage: 	methodsFor: '*TraitsMonticelloPreload' 
		stamp: 'al 3/30/2004 11:37'
	Receiver's instance variables: Nil

	The release notes says "updated to make it load in image
	3.7b-5967. Gamma2 is at latest update #5987.

	Did anyone successfully install Traits 1.1 beta (r2)
	into Basic image gamma 2 on Windows platform?

	Do I need to load Monticello first ?

	When I tried to load Monticello 123, it was warned that
	Monticello 123 is not compatible with 3.7.

	The warning was ignored and Monticello 123 was installed,
	then Traits 1.1 was again loaded.

	1576 classes were recompiled. 
	Same results, same error, no go.

	Would someone please tell me how to install Traits.

	Please find attached SqueakDebug.log.gz

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