Spam: Re: HTML documentation generator and cross reference

Yoshiki Ohshima Yoshiki.Ohshima at
Sun Dec 5 04:54:40 UTC 2004


> Is there a HTML documentation generator for Squeak that cross
> references squeak method 'words' - variables and methods, or is
> determining the class of a 'word' too undecidable to provide a
> proper cross reference, I suppose you could have a popup or sub
> window that offers all choices, this would be a good option on
> Squeaks browser proper.

  I guess somebody should ask this... but if your purpose is to get
good cross refernces but nothing else, forget about going HTML.

  Did you happen to notice the 'explain' menu item in the 'more...'
menu of code panes?  select a "word" in the pane and choose the menu.
It explains what it is, and even show how to get the "cross
references" to the thing.

-- Yoshiki

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