ODBC connection

Allegrini Christophe Bird Technology christophe.allegrini at birdtechnology.net
Sun Dec 5 19:25:15 UTC 2004


If the goal is develop commercial applications, I create a middleware "Bird of Java" and a framework "Bird View" specialized for Squeak. The middlewre is not free, but the framework yes, it is available on SqueakSource.

With this technology, is possible for any Squeak applications to access any Databases  with JDBC driver and execute any Java method through Bird View RPC.

The link between Squeak and Java exists.

Examples : 
"         Database access :        "
| bv |
bv := BirdView new.     "instance create"
bv ipAddress: ''   ipPort: 2010   ltnName: 'ltn_oracle'  .    "connection"
bv read: 'select * from v_asso '.   " read data from BirdView "

"       RPC          " 
| bv |
bv := BirdView new.     "instance create"
bv ipAddress: ''   ipPort: 2010.    "connection"
bv rpcPackage: 'sampling_service' rpcClass: 'sampling_magnitude_fraction' rpcMethod: 'approximate_fraction_pli' rpcParam: '[1][3][30][true] ' .
bv rpcParamEval.
bv evalResult  . 

For more information : www.birdtechnology.net  (English version coming soon).

Christophe Allegrini
Bird Technology

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