[Q] Help for building a Help for newbies

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Dec 8 10:35:08 UTC 2004

Fellow Squeakers:

I on the task of build a Help system for newbies what could be in "Full"
image some day.

I put a page on the swiki and ask several questions and have tips and advice
from several of you.

Remaining issues for 3.8 final and for this code

    | zip baseDir rw |
    baseDir _ ServerDirectory localSqueakBooksDirectory , FileDirectory
    zip _ ZipArchive new.
    self allCards
        do: [:each |
            rw _ RWBinaryOrTextStream on: String new.
            rw fileOutClass: nil andObject: each.
            zip addMember: ((ZipStringMember newFrom: rw contents named:
each title) desiredCompressionMethod: ZipArchive compressionDeflated;
    zip writeToFileNamed: baseDir , self getStackNamefromUser , '.shc'

":each"  is call for retrieving Text of each card.
    | s rw |
    s _ 'Text string: '.
    s _ s , (self submorphs
                    detect: [:each | each isKindOf: ScrollableField]) text
    rw _ RWBinaryOrTextStream with: (self submorphs
                    detect: [:each | each isKindOf: ScrollableField]) text
    s _ s , rw contents asString.
^ s

Two questions:

1) Why retrieving saved objects is much faster in 3.6 ?

2) What could be the reasib what Text retrieving are with "underline" in 3.8
last images ?  (Not with earlier generated stacks)

Thanks in advance


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