Where are system globals (Smalltalk and SystemOrganization)

Aaron Gray angray at beeb.net
Thu Dec 9 00:11:59 UTC 2004


Thanks alot, I realize it is going to take me quite a while before I feel 
ofay with Squeak.

I have periods of time where nothing I type seems to work, particularly with 
extracting stuff from the library and trying to get modified bits of code to 

Oh well, I will keep at it until I feel more confident. Quick tutorials via 
the mailing list are good and help alot.

The main problem I seem to have with looking at code is seeing what class 
certain methods are for example in :-

(Smalltalk reject: [:item | item class isMeta ])
  associationsDo: [:assoc  | Transcript show: assoc key printString; cr].

What class is key, if I look at Association I see key returns a key, but 
what class is that key that printString is being applied to ?
I find this same problem over and over, is there a simple solution ? I may 
have been given the answer at somepoint but cannot remember.



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