Swiki Spam Problem

Jochen F. Rick nadja at cc.gatech.edu
Thu Dec 9 02:58:24 UTC 2004

I have upgraded the Squeak Swiki to a newer version of Swiki. I 
implemented two features to block spammers. First, there is an IP block. 
Second, there is the content block. I also now have the ability to 
rollback changes quickly if somebody is misbehaving. If somebody is, 
please e-mail swiki-bugs at cc.gatech.edu ASAP.

Now, before everyone rejoices, this is not an entirely good thing. First, 
this new version may have bugs. If you find any, let me know. Second, 
this version upgrades to the new Comanche. So far, this has meant 
instability. We tried it out on another server and found that uptime (or 
the lack thereof) was a problem. I will be trying to fix this, but it is 
difficult to fix. If the server goes down, let me know.

Peace and Luck!


Jochen "Je77" Rick, PhD Candidate, Georgia Tech College of Computing
jochen.rick at cc.gatech.edu, http://www.je77.com/, work: 404-385-1105

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