
Boris Gaertner Boris.Gaertner at
Thu Dec 9 21:46:21 UTC 2004

 "Ali Razavi" <arazavi at> wrote:

> My Scamper doesn't render images properly. Attached is a sample.
> does anyone know the reason ?

You asked this more than 12 hours ago and your question is
still not answered. Somebody has to write an answer, here
is mine:

Scamper is currently a very simple application. Well, it reads HTML,
but it does not render it very good. 
The low-level parts (communication and parsing of HTML) of
Scamper are quite complete. The problem is that the received and
parsed HTML page is converted into a single text. This is too simple
to display a page that has a sophisticated layout.

Specifically, Scamper does not currently support:

* tables (that is a pitty, many editors use tables to create
              the page layout)
* style sheets 
* encoding (we do not even read the charset specification in the
                  document header)

A few times I attempted to improve Scamper, but all these
attempts are too incomplete to be published. Tables are the
most difficult part of HTML. It is not easy to translate them into
a morphic structure.


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