Squeak Distributions/Developer Workspace Preview WAS: too much discusssion on a future direction

Torsten Bergmann astares at gmx.de
Wed Dec 22 16:08:24 UTC 2004


lot's of discussion on the list on packaging and the future of Squeak.
Packaging can be solved by focusing on Packages/MC/SqueakMap and the
future is (as it was before) completely unknown. So lets first fix
the current image/packages before building a common roadmap for the 
future and loosing time with heavy discussions.

Attached is a first preview of a new version of "Developer Workspace" - an 
assembly of tools a smalltalker likes to have in his personal image.

While it is in general not a problem to build a personal squeak 
with different "stable" packages - it is hard to assemble them since there 
are several ways how squeak tools/goodies are packaged. 
Note that DeveloperWorkspace is not a fork ... it's just a squeak

Install the SAR in an updated Squeak 3.8gamma (latest changeset is 6527)
and you will see what I'm talking about:

 1. Celeste is not loading correctly since there is initially no adress 
    database on my disk (defaultAddressBook.ser file), so currently 
    one has to click on "Proceed" in the debugger. 
 2. Celeste pops up a help window and celeste after install - which is 
    not what I would like in an automated install packages
 3. The dependency for Komanche is not correct - so Squeak asks the user
    about this. Again not good for an automated install. 
    Currently just click on "no" 
 4. Seaside asks for a user/password for the administrator
 5. ScriptManager also opens a window before finally my installation 
    is able to finish

But any of these issues can be solved:

Nr.1:   is a bug and should be changed in Celeste. 
Nr.2/5: we need a standard way to allow user help after a single install 
        process and a "silent" install for packages assembling others
Nr.3:   This was somehow introduced by repackaging comanche and applying a 
        patch - we should repackage it correctly
Nr.4:   This could be changed by having default values for the 
        Seaside config and a small UI for configuring these values 

So let's fix the packages, solve packaging and dependeny,
agree on a small and stable kernel and the future looks bright again. ;)

Keep on talking small

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