[ANN] J2SBridge - A JDBC to Squeak Bridge

Frank Gerlach frankgerlach22 at gmx.de
Sun Dec 26 17:33:24 UTC 2004

Samples of J2Sbridge usage are in the simpleTestDBConnection* 
methods of DatabaseTest.

Here is a an example:

	|con table |

con:=(DBConnection new)
        connectToHost: 'localhost' 
        port: 1444 
	driverName:  'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'
	url: 'jdbc:mysql:///test'

table:=con simpleQuery:'select * from sttest'.

[table next] whileTrue:[
	Transcript show:'name=',(table getString:'name'),
          'zahl=',(table getInt32:'zahl') printString;cr.

con disConnect.

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