Connectors: What Are They?

Ned Konz ned at
Thu Dec 30 00:32:59 UTC 2004

On Wednesday 29 December 2004 4:13 pm, Blake wrote:
> I've been fascinated by--and trying to follow--the discussions on
> connectors over the past month and have just one question:
> What are they?
> I mean, can anyone give me a "high concept" definition that explains what
> they're designed to do? What problems they're meant to solve? I have them
> on my system, but I can't figure out how/where to use them.

There is a description here:

But I can also say this: it started out as a single kind of Morph -- a 
ConnectorMorph -- and as I found that I needed or wanted other kinds of 
morphs to use in my drawings, I added them to the package.

Ned Konz

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