A question of ethics

Trygve Reenskaug trygver at ifi.uio.no
Fri Dec 31 15:30:04 UTC 2004

Hi all (and especially Ned),

I am working on a second release of my reverse engineering toolset, BabySRE.

One problem is that I am using Connectors version 1.9. SRE doesn't work 
with the new version, 2.0. I have three alternatives:
1) Study Connectors 2.0 and adapt BabySRE to it.
2) Write a new program that satisfies my modest diagramming needs
3) Rename/modify the Connectors 1.9 classes so that they can coexist with 
Connectors 2.0, strip out what I don't need, modify the rest as required, 
and package the result together with BabySRE.

I don't want to do 1) because I only need a small part of Connectors and 
because I will have to keep adpting to a moving target. I don't like to do 
2) because it seems a waste of time. I prefer 3) because it gives an 
independent SRE package with a minimum of hassle for its users, with a 
single maintainer (me), and with a minimum of work.

The question is: Is it ethical/unethical in the Squeak community to 
copy/modify somebody else's classes (with class comments spelling out that 
I have done so, of course)???

Please guide me


Trygve Reenskaug      mailto: trygver <at> ifi.uio.no
Morgedalsvn. 5A       http://heim.ifi.uio.no/~trygver
N-0378 Oslo           Tel: (+47) 22 49 57 27

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