Monticello, SM2, BFAV in 3.7alpha

Avi Bryant avi at
Mon Feb 2 10:23:21 UTC 2004

On Feb 2, 2004, at 2:18 AM, Chris Burkert wrote:
> Let's say I have package 'A' and package 'B'. And I have a class that 
> belongs to A *and* B. Where should I put it?
> My solution was to create a third package and add this as a 
> prerequiste of A *and* B. Not a good solution if there is a more 
> complex example.

Why not?  Can you give me a more complex example where this wouldn't be 
a good solution?

When you say a class is "belongs to A *and* B", do you mean that 
different parts of the class are provided by each package, or that the 
identical code should exist in both packages?  If the latter, how do 
you keep them in sync, or do you?


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