forcing snapshots and event recording

John Voiklis voiklis at
Wed Feb 4 19:51:32 UTC 2004


As part of my graduate research on children, cognition, and
programming/authoring, I will be conducting some user-interaction
field experiments with Squeak to look at usability, software requirements,
and the ethology of the child-programmer.

In order to do this I would like to modify my experimental version of
Squeak in three ways:

1.0) No matter how the user quits--menu options or closing window--I would
like to save a snapshot of the image named with the date and time (withou
user prompting or override).

1.1) When started, I would like Squeak to load the most recently saved
image (again without user propmpting or override).

1.2) I would like this forced saving to be controlled with a preference
option so that Squeak can be returned to normal behavior after the study.

2.0) I would like to record all events without a visible
EventRecorderMorph and without having to turn on/off recording or save by
hand (no prompting or override)

2.1) I would like for recording to start when Squeak starts or when
someone enters a project and to stop recording and save as they leave a
project or quit Squeak.

2.2) As with the image snapshots, I want the tapes to be saved with date
and time (and possibly project name) as a name (no prompting or override).

2.3) Also like the snapshots, I want the forced record to be toggled with
a preference.

3.0) I would like all instant messaging/chat to be saved with date and
time (and no prompting or override).

3.1) This big-brother feature can also be turned off using preferences.

The above list is not a shopping list; I do not expect others to do the
work for me (though, I wouldn't turn away the programming help of an
experienced Squeaker). Instead, I am writing for practical advice and
guidance on how I should try to tackle these requirements.

Thank you,


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