Monticello Question

Bert Freudenberg bert at
Thu Feb 12 17:36:50 UTC 2004

Am 12.02.2004 um 17:59 schrieb Colin Putney:

> On Feb 12, 2004, at 11:43 AM, Steven Swerling wrote:
>> I have a large package, and I want it to make a minor change to a 
>> base system method. Namely, I want SystemWindow's passivate method to 
>> send a #passivated event. It seems innappropriate to reclassify the 
>> SystemWindow>>passivate method to be in my own '*mypackage' method 
>> category. With a SAR, I can put this small change in a separate 
>> changeset (in MyPackageInfo>>additionalChangeSets). Is there a way to 
>> do this in Monticello, too? (Sorry if this has been covered, I could 
>> not find a previous thread that addressed this scenario). Or should I 
>> just stick to SAR packages for distributing a package that needs to 
>> make a change to the base system?
> You can classify it as '*mypackage-overrides'.
> When unloading your package, Monticello will then restore the original 
> version of the method.

Looking at the code I believe that should be "*mypackage-override" 
without a trailing "s".

	"this oughta check the package"
	^ self isExtensionMethod and: [category endsWith: '-override']

- Bert -

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