new PackageInfo versions

Avi Bryant avi at
Wed Feb 18 09:03:10 UTC 2004

I've had some new versions of PackageInfo and related packages 
(PackageInfo-Exporters, PackageInfo-Extras) gathering dust in a 
repository since the initial TFNR work, and it occured to me that it 
would be good to get them out there before 3.7.  So they're now on SM 
for those that want them.

One major difference is that PackageInfo instances now stick around, 
and so in theory could have additional state associated with them.  
This does mean that subclasses of PackageInfo should explicitly 
register themselves when loaded to ensure that the right PackageInfo 
instance gets created.  The easiest way to do this is by adding a class 
side initialize method to your PackageInfo subclass that simply calls 
"self new register".  Any custom subclasses already in your image will 
be automatically registered when you load the new PackageInfo version, 
but if you load others afterwards (like Seaside) you will have to 
manually register these until the package maintainers update them:  
"Seaside2Info new register" .  Hopefully there are few enough packages 
around with PI subclasses that this isn't a huge deal.

Another difference is that there's now a registry for PI-related menu 
items, similar to the registry for the FileList.  There are examples of 
using this in both PackageInfo-Exporters and PackageInfo-Extras.  In 
the long run I envision all tools that do anything with packages 
(Monticello, a future Package Browser, etc) will add these to the 
bottom of their context menus.  PackageInfo-Base includes a simple 
PackageList UI which allows you to add/remove packages and test the 
menu items.

There are some other changes, like a PackageOrganizer class which 
provides some convenience methods for looking up the package for a 
particular class or method, intended to provide a base for future tool 
integration.  These are probably mostly of interest to TFNR folk.


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