Apple fonts in 3.7?

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at
Fri Feb 20 23:25:46 UTC 2004

> If there are a large number of people unhappy with the look of Squeak,
> perhaps at least a few of them could get together (probably with Diego,
> since he's put a bunch of work into this area an will know many places
> to look at) and actually do something.

Trouble is that you can't really have a committee (isn't it funny that just
two hours ago we were talking about the spelling of that word ;-) decide on
what the look and feel of an entire system *should* be. Consistency is more
important than individual preferences. If you want to make progress on this
find a good UI designer who has his or her own style and simply decide to
adopt it *before* you even looked at it.

  - Andreas

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