[FIX] ObjectsTool is a little short in 3.7a

Ken Causey ken at kencausey.com
Sat Feb 21 08:31:50 UTC 2004

The attached fix is very simple and just makes the standalone
ObjectsTool a little taller so it's submorphs fit more comfortably.

-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7alpha of 11 September 2003 [latest update: #5707] on 21 February 2004 at 2:30:28 am'!

!ObjectsTool methodsFor: 'initialization' stamp: 'KLC 2/21/2004 02:28'!
	"Initialize the receiver so that it can live as a stand-alone morph"

	| aPane aBin aColor |
	self basicInitialize.
	self layoutInset: 6. 
	self listCentering: #topLeft.
	self cellPositioning: #topLeft.
	self wrapCentering: #center.
	self useRoundedCorners.
	self listDirection: #topToBottom.
	self hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.

	aPane _ self paneForTabs: self modeTabs.
	aPane addMorphFront: self dismissButton.
	aPane addMorphBack: self helpButton.

	aPane color: (aColor _ aPane color) darker.
	aPane listSpacing: #equal.
	aPane cellInset: 10 @ 10.
	aPane listCentering: #center; height: 38.
	aPane wrapDirection: nil.
	self addMorphFront: aPane.

	self addMorphBack: Morph new.  "Place holder for a tabs or text pane"

	aBin _ PartsBin newPartsBinWithOrientation: #leftToRight from: #().
	aBin listDirection: #leftToRight.
	aBin wrapDirection: #topToBottom.
	aBin hResizing: #spaceFill; vResizing: #spaceFill.
	aBin extent: (self currentWorld width) @ 300.
	aBin color: aColor lighter lighter.
	aBin setNameTo: 'parts'.
	aBin dropEnabled: false.
	self addMorphBack: aBin.
	self submorphs last width: 350; hResizing: #rigid.
	self color: (Color r: 0.0 g: 0.839 b: 0.226).
	self setProperty: #initialWidth toValue: 268.
	self setNameTo: 'Objects' translated.
	self showCategories.

! !

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