Apple fonts in 3.7?

John Pfersich jp1660 at
Sun Feb 22 01:28:17 UTC 2004

>>ducasse wrote:
>>>Just a question: newYork was also an apple font?
>>Yes, New York was an Apple font.  In fact, it was the only Apple 
>>font.  ComicPlain/Bold was a Microsoft font (not really a legal 
>it's not a legal copy.

Oops! Upon re-reading the post I reverse myself. Comic/Plain/Bold are 
legal fonts, Its the ComicSans MS that's not legally  included, 
unless someone's got a document from Microsoft saying that Squeak can 
use it.

>>If you were going to work on creating a new font, was it going to 
>>be a Comic-like font?  That could be useful, since we don't have 
>>one like that anymore.  Another task is to improve the punctuation 
>>spacing in the Accuny font.  Or, you're always free to design a 
>>brand-new font, I guess...
>>- Doug
>I think that the information I read said that anyone's free to 
>change the font, but the name must change also.
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