Reminder: Harvesting Party TODAY 16:00 GMT

Brent Vukmer bvukmer at
Thu Feb 26 13:07:15 UTC 2004

> If someone could give me a hand - I would like a list of the current
> approved harvesters. Perhaps it is listed somewhere - just point me to
> it. I got an idea yesterday about making BFAV a bit smarter when it
> comes to allowing approvals etc. Lots of newbies fall into that trap.

Really that list should be available from the local SqueakMap instance.  That way the BFAV's reviewer notepad, for an "approval" post, could compare the developer initials in the image with the list of harvester initials (or whatever)...

While I'm thinking about it -- it would also be neat if the current reviewer notepad Cc: label would become a button that pops up a list widget with SM account names, and the Cc: would accept SM account names in addition to literal email addresses.  That would be cool because it would get people *using* the SM account names (a.k.a developer initials).  Which would get people used to using SqueakMap to look up people, not just projects :)

Göran - interested in submitting patches that implement those two ideas?  Neither should be much work, but I'm afraid I won't get to 'em anytime soon.


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