[FIX][BUG] Set>>atRandom: is not random

Lothar Schenk lothar.schenk at gmx.de
Thu Feb 26 20:22:49 UTC 2004

The problem still persists in a 3.7a image. Samir's explanation is correct. 
The current implementation picks a random element in the array internal to 
Set, and if this element is nil it starts to scan for a non-nil element from 
there. This leads to a non-uniform distribution of the sampled elements when 
nil-elements are present.

I have attached a fix.

Regards, Lothar

Subject:		[BUG] Set>>atRandom: is not random
Author:		Samir Saidani
Date Posted: 26 June 2003
Archive ID: 10798
Comments:	Here is a little piece of code to reproduce the bug: 

|s a|
s_ Set new add: 'a'; add: 'b'; yourself.
a_Random new.
500 timesRepeat: [ ((s atRandom: a)='a') ifTrue:[ i_i+1 ]. ].
Transcript show: i; cr.

Results (~100) show that you have 1/5 to have the first element.

A workaround is to change a set as an array (probability is 1/2).

|s a|
s_ Set new add: 'a'; add: 'b'; yourself.
a_Random new.
500 timesRepeat: [ ((s asArray atRandom: a)='a') ifTrue:[ i_i+1 ]. ].
Transcript show: i; cr.

Don't have time for the moment to fix it, but certainly due to the
"array" representation of a set (Set(1,2) appears as an array of size
5 #(nil 1 2 nil nil nil).

Samir SAIDANI				
-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.7alpha of 11 September 2003 [latest update: #5707] on 26 February 2004 at 9:04:27 pm'!

!Set methodsFor: 'accessing' stamp: 'los 2/26/2004 21:00'!
atRandom: aGenerator
	"Answer a random element of the receiver.  Uses aGenerator which
	should be kept by the user in a variable and used every time. Use
	this instead of #atRandom for better uniformity of random numbers 
	because only you use the generator.  Causes an error if self has no 
	"The implementation of Set uses an internal Array (inst var: array)
	which may contain nil elements (i.e. empty slots), which must be ignored."
	| ind nonNilCounter |
	self emptyCheck.
	ind _ aGenerator nextInt: self size. "We are looking for the ind-th non-nil element in array"
	nonNilCounter := 0.
	1 to: array size do: [ :slot |
		(array at: slot) isNil ifFalse: [ nonNilCounter := nonNilCounter + 1.
								      (nonNilCounter = ind) ifTrue: [ ^ array at: slot ] ] ].
	"We have less than ind non-nil elements: this shouldnt happen"
	self error: 'Inconsistent number of elements in Set'! !

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