file size primitive bug?

tim Rowledge tim at
Fri Feb 27 02:30:42 UTC 2004

Julian Fitzell wrote:

> So the fix I originally had seems problematic.  I noticed it when filing 
> in.  I think what's going on is that for each method change:
> 1. we call #setToEnd
> 2. #setToEnd gets the file size and sets the position to that
> 3. we write out data
There's also the problem of a #readOnlyCopy leaving you with the last 
byte index being different to that held by the writable original. So if 
one were using a file as a pipe-sort-of-thing you'd be utterly SOL.

Is there noone around that knows why this strange process was chosen? 
Was it perhaps some artifact of an old Mac OS release that no longer 
needs to concern us?


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