file size primitive bug?

tim Rowledge tim at
Sat Feb 28 19:09:37 UTC 2004

John M McIntosh wrote:

> Well I took a peek at a Dec 17, 1996 sqFilePrims.c file and noticed in  
> the Squeak source file V1:
> "From Smalltalk-80 version 1.03 of July 31, 1996 on 20 September 1996  
> at 10:50:05 am"
> the code isn't there, but it was added in the change log some time  before
> "----SNAPSHOT----(23 September 1996 8:36:00 pm )"
> So as you can see the code has been there a long time. If we could wait  
> another 2 years, then it will be 10 years old and we
> can retire it eh?
I hope we can do that before then!

Isn't there anyone that knows the original purpose and intent of this 
highly unusual usage? I've never seen this sort of file related code 
before and it really puzzles me.


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