[ENH][TEST] ClassBuilder format tests

Andreas Raab andreas.raab at gmx.de
Sun Jan 4 20:23:18 UTC 2004

Hi Stef,

> I was looking at your tests. I want them in the image :)
> I was wondering why you do not use tearDown to clean your stuff.

I needed to clean up inbetween each individual test and tearDown is only
called when all the tests are run (e.g., after the entire suite completed).
Since I was too lazy to write new test cases for each of the invariants I
decided to clean up manually.

> My interpretation
> of it was that tearDown would clean well even in presence of halt, and
> other errors.

It sure does, but ClassBuilder also prevents (correctly) a reshape if
instances cannot be converted, e.g.,

Bitmap subclass: #FooSubclass.
ByteArray subclass: #FooSubclass.

will fail as ClassBuilder couldn't mutate the instances of FooSubclass
correctly. And yes, this should be covered by another bunch of tests but
being a lazy guy I hope that someone else is going to write them ;-)

  - Andreas

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