[BUG][FIX] WeakKeyDictionary>>keysAndValuesDo:

Stephan Rudlof sr at evolgo.de
Thu Jun 17 02:34:00 UTC 2004

Martin Wirblat wrote:
> ...

> Here is a little snippet of code, which computes the number of classes 
> which do have state, but are not redefining #= to depend on that state.

My code snippet would be:

| classesWithState classesWithStateAndDefinedEquality |
classesWithState := Smalltalk allClasses select: [ :cls |
	cls isVariable or: [
		cls instVarNames isEmpty not]].
classesWithStateAndDefinedEquality _ classesWithState select: [:class |
class includesSelector: #= ].

{classesWithState size. classesWithStateAndDefinedEquality size.
Smalltalk allClasses size}
 #(1693 104 2596)

If Object>>= will be subtracted, there remain 103 classes with newly
added state *and* redefined #= operator.
If the remaining (1693-103) classes should also redefine #= cannot be
said without taking a look onto them: e.g. LargeIntegersPlugin contains
inst vars, but doesn't need a #= operator.


> For 3.6 it evaluates to 1136 out of 1338 classes. The majority of them 
> is ignoring your "platonic" equality. Is Squeak grossly constructed 
> falsely regarding equality, had it just been forgotten to do it right 
> or is this an unsolvable problem? Or does it simply show what the 
> average Smalltalk programmer intuitively thinks about equality? In 
> that case the current mixed view of equality (state or identity for 
> #=) in Smalltalk may fit to the language Smalltalk. And that means 
> that Squeak Sets very well could be implemented as they are in other 
> Smalltalks. 
> Regards
> Martin
> | classes |
> classes := Smalltalk allClasses select: [ :cls |		
> 	(( cls allSuperclasses add: cls; yourself ) select: [ :c |
> 		c includesSelector: #= ]) size = 1 ].
> classes := classes select: [ :cls |
> 	cls isVariable or: [ 
> 		cls instVarNames isEmpty not or: [
> 		( cls allSuperclasses detect: [ :c | 
> 			c instVarNames isEmpty not ] ifNone: []) notNil ]]].
> classes size -> Smalltalk allClasses size

Stephan Rudlof (sr at evolgo.de)
   "Genius doesn't work on an assembly line basis.
    You can't simply say, 'Today I will be brilliant.'"
    -- Kirk, "The Ultimate Computer", stardate 4731.3

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