Back to the issue... (was RE: Squeak coding style...)

Oca Emilio eoca at
Wed Mar 3 16:32:10 UTC 2004

goran, all,

> Yes - and again - I of course repeat my "How do I know if it is
> intentionally left blank or simply blank because the original authors
> were sloppy?"-argument.
For class coments, it is a very good point. I think that every class 
deserves it's comment, even it if it states "This class deserves no 
furder comments".
But methods comments, I don't think that every one deservs it.

> Just to make sure - I never suggested that. I merely suggested that
> perhaps we should use proper english sentences and perhaps standardize
> on a blank line after a method comment + indentation of method code one
> tab. But obviously having a few rules is tabu in this community, sigh.
I dont see it as tabu, we are discusint it, don't, we?
I think that every body may agree on a first blank line before code and

> Sometimes I really do understand why some people think Squeak is a mess,
> especially if we can't even acknowledge the fact that we need to shapen
> things up a bit.
Come on, I did not read anybody denying that things can be shapend up, a bit

> regards, G?ran


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