[ENH] KCP-0180-MoreCompilerProtocolRefactoring.cs

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Thu Mar 4 07:41:47 UTC 2004

Hi, Nathanael,

I encountered two problems with this change-set:

(1) The class's organization is no longer getting updated after a 
silent method removal.  Watch the underlying Player class in a 
browser as you add scripts to a morph and then rename them, and 
you'll see what I mean.  Formerly, with the #removeSelectorUnlogged: 
protocol that is deprecated by this change-set, the organization was 
kept up to date; it was only the change-set recording, changes-log 
logging, and recent-submissions recording that needed to be 

(2)  Also, this change-set exposes a bug in the version of 
Behavior.removeSelectorSilently: which arrived in 
5706KCP170CompilerPrtclRefactor -- instead of "SystemNotification," 
that method needs to have "SystemNotification uniqueInstance".


  -- Scott

At 11:12 PM -0500 3/3/04, Doug Way wrote:
>This is apparently the last KCP changeset which needs to make it into 3.7.
>	filename=KCP-0180-MoreCompilerProtocolRefactoring.cs.gz

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