Adding editing commands to Swiki

Lukas Renggli renggli at
Sat Mar 6 23:05:02 UTC 2004

Hi Vince,

> possible to add custom editing commands?  I was thinking sepcifically
> replacing some smileys with images: :) becomes a happy face, :( a 
> frown face, :'( a crying face, etc.  Is it something that I can do?

in SmallWiki this could be easily done by subclassing 
SWVisitorRendererHtml and overriding the method #acceptText: with 
something like:

	SWVisitorRendererHtmlSmiley>>acceptText: aText
| 		| stream |
		stream := aText text readStream.
		[ stream atEnd ] whileFalse: [
			html text: (stream upToAll: ':)').
			stream atEnd ifFalse: [
				html image: '/smileys/smile.gif'.
				html inputStream skip: 2 ] ]

I haven't tested the above code and it does only support one kind of 
smiley, but I'm sure that a more complete solution can be implemented 
within no time.


Lukas Renggli

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