changing key mappings

Jason Rogers jacaetevha at
Fri Mar 12 08:29:07 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-03-11 at 14:10, C. David Shaffer wrote:
> Anyone else that wants to 
> post some datapoints for me (platform and response to various shift, 
> ctrl and meta-key combinations), that would be helpful as well.

I am trying to map CTRL+Space and get <c-`>.  It does what I want in an
editor, but it's unexpected to get the backtick.

I hope this is what you are looking for in terms of different key
mappings (running on Gentoo Linux x86):

Alt-Shift 2      => <ms-@>
Alt-Shift Insert => <ms-ins>

Ctrl-1  => <c-ë>
Ctrl-2  => <c-`>
Ctrl-3  => <c-esc>
Ctrl-4  => <c-left>
Ctrl-5  => <c-right>
Ctrl-6  => <c-up>
Ctrl-7  => <c-down>
Ctrl-8  => <c-del>
Ctrl-9  => <c-ô>
Ctrl-0  => <c-ê>

Ctrl-Alt-1 => 1
Ctrl-Alt-2 => nothing happens
Ctrl-Alt-3 => <esc>
Ctrl-Alt-4 => <left>
Ctrl-Alt-5 => <right>
Ctrl-Alt-6 => <up>
Ctrl-Alt-7 => <down>
Ctrl-Alt-8 => <del>
Ctrl-Alt-9 => 9
Ctrl-Alt-0 => 0

Ctrl-[ => <c-esc>
Ctrl-] => <c-right>
Ctrl-\ => <c-left>

Ctrl-Shift-[ => <cs-esc>
Ctrl-Shift-] => <cs-right>
Ctrl-Shift-\ => <cs-left>

Ctrl-Shift-1  => <cs-Å>
Ctrl-Shift-2  => <cs-`>
Ctrl-Shift-3  => <cs-É>
Ctrl-Shift-4  => <cs-Ñ>
Ctrl-Shift-5  => <cs-Ö>
Ctrl-Shift-6  => <cs-up>
Ctrl-Shift-7  => <cs-Ü>
Ctrl-Shift-8  => <cs-ä>
Ctrl-Shift-9  => <cs-à>
Ctrl-Shift-0  => <cs-â>

Jason Rogers

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."
Bible, Proverbs 29:18

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