Directory listing on Mac

Colin Putney cputney at
Thu Mar 18 22:03:56 UTC 2004

On Mar 18, 2004, at 4:48 PM, Ned Konz wrote:

> On Thursday 18 March 2004 1:30 pm, Colin Putney wrote:
>> On Mar 18, 2004, at 4:24 PM, Brian Murphy-Dye wrote:
>>> I see that 'FileDirectory default directoryNames' returns an Array of
>>> directory names located in the image directory. On a Mac OS/X system,
>>> how do I find the directories in the '/Users' directory?
>> Try something like
>> (FileDirectory root directoryNamed: 'Users') directoryNames
> No, the root is the parent of the volumes; 'Users' will be a 
> subdirectory of
> one of those.

Yeah, the problem is that /Users is a unix concept, but he's using a 
Carbon VM. Determining which volume is also the root partition isn't 
possible (I don't think...) because Carbon doesn't have a notion of 
"root partition."

Brian, you might try the above snippet using a Unix VM. I haven't been 
successful in building one myself, so I can't confirm that it works. 
The following works on my system, but might not on yours...

(FileDirectory on: 'Macintosh HD:Users') directoryNames

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