Why KomServer ask to load an old seasde version?

Brent Pinkney brent.pinkney at aircom.co.za
Wed Nov 3 14:48:49 UTC 2004

> KomHttpServer is... not healthy currently. I did some work previously to
> clean it up, then got out of time, then got an email from Brent Pinkney
> who was doing it in parallell - and that is where we are today. I don't
> think I got the Monticello files from Brent - but might have lost them
> in the email onslaught. :)

I offered to maintina comanche and Stephen outlined a rouadmap to maintain  
and upgrade Comamche to eventual HTTP1.1 compliance.

The first step was to rapackage the code using Monticello and perform some  
light refactorings.

I have candidate Monticello archives for perusal, which seem to work.

I would prefer a reivew from the maintainers before bearing the brunt of  
the general community.

I have tried to email Stephen Pair a few times and to contact Goran on IRC  

Who should I send then to ?



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