Squeak culture and menus

Blake blake at kingdomrpg.com
Thu Nov 4 10:21:40 UTC 2004

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 08:18:56 +0200, <goran.krampe at bluefish.se> wrote:

> Hi!
> Just a small note:
> OS/2 use/used context menus a LOT in their... Workplace or whatever it
> was called. Really, really nice. Some argued it was an "object oriented"
> UI shell, and to some extent I can agree.

Ah, another OS/2 fan.

'twas under OS/2 that I first used Smalltalk professionally. Visual  

Workplace Shell was fairly object-oriented. I pushed to get the last few  
chapters of my "OS/2 Warp Programming for Dummies" book dedicated to  
extending the WPS. And SOM was sooo much better than COM.

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