[UPDATES] 6 for 3.8beta

Marcus Denker denker at iam.unibe.ch
Wed Nov 10 23:24:59 UTC 2004

6366Socket -- Edgar J. De Cleene -- 3 November 2004
This methods what once we have in OldSockets are needeed>"

6367Envelope-removeshowOnDisplay -- tim at sumeru.stanford.edu -- 13 
September 2004
Whilst investigating some (ab)uses of Display I noticed some methods 
needing removal/cleanup in Envelope"

6368somecatCleanups2-md -- Marcus Denker -- 10 Nov 2004
just cleans a bit the tests-classcategories"

6369InternetConfiguration -- Marcus Denker -- 11 October 2004
v3: adds a preference.
v2: this one works..
For Mac: Sets the Proxy automatically on image startup. Uses the 
Plugin that is part of the Mac VM for some time allready. The 
InternetConfiguration class
was part of the original posting, but never got added to the image.
This just takes John''s InternetConfiguration class and hooks it into 
system startupt to
set the http proxy. "

6370undeclared-fix-md -- Marcus Denker -- 10 November 2004
fixes two Undeclareds"

6371PrimCallController -- Stephan Rudlof -- 16 June 2004
Audience:		(plugin) developers, SUnitTest writers
Requires:		Squeak3.7beta (may work with older versions)
md: changed categorie to be Tests-PrimCallController
A PrimCallController (PCC) serves for switching external prim calls 
(primitiveExternalCall) on and off: this is helpful for e.g. testing of 
plugins. Dis/en-abling prims by a PCC works for *both* internal and 
external modules!
This package contains two concrete PCCs using totally different 
mechanisms for dis/en-abling prims, each has its value (see below).

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