[BUG?] KomServices and KomHttpServer are wrongly packaged

goran.krampe at bluefish.se goran.krampe at bluefish.se
Tue Nov 30 06:23:13 UTC 2004

Hi all!

Masashi Umezawa <umejava at mars.dti.ne.jp> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've found that current KomServises package on SM (version 1.1) does not run standalone.
> It lacks a few methods that were originally included in old KomServices.
> Where are the methods? They are now in KomHttpServer package.
> But I think they should be in "KomServises" package, because they are unrelated to HTTP server.
> As you know, KomServices itself has nice TcpListener class. It depends on those lost methods.
> TcpListener can be used for building "generic" TCP servers (NOT HTTP server only).
> Actually, RMT, SeeThroughTalk, NetMorph, and OperaORB are using TcpListener.
> So, please, please, repackage them...
> I've attached the lost methods as changeSet.
> Best regards,

I am sorry for the delay, been busy the last few days. Will do this

regards, Göran

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