BFAV cannot download emails

Samuel Tardieu sam at
Tue Oct 5 08:08:35 UTC 2004

>>>>> "Stéphane" == stéphane ducasse <ducasse at> writes:

Stéphane> I do not understand if it makes sense to put your fixes in
Stéphane> unstable: because you fixed your problems and other persons
Stéphane> just have to load your fix. Else I would have to put it for
Stéphane> a short amount of time and remove it.  Am I correct?

No: you can let this in the update stream forever, as:

  - it will revert the bogus version installed by the bogus patch for
    people who caught it

  - it will not change anything for people who didn't install the
    bogus patch, as the version of the concerned method is the same as
    before the bogus patch

Samuel Tardieu -- sam at --

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