[ENH] shadowed-mir

Scott Wallace scott.wallace at squeakland.org
Wed Oct 6 03:37:27 UTC 2004

At 5:07 PM +0200 9/30/04, denker at iam.unibe.ch wrote:
>md: reposting as an [ENH]
>from preamble:
>"Change Set:		shadowed-mir
>Date:			17 January 2004
>Author:			Michael Rueger
>Makes the recompile provide sueful information about where a variable is
>Content-disposition: attachment;filename="shadowed-mir.cs.gz"

In this fileout there is a method, Encoder >> bindTemp:, which 
appears to have some debugging code inadvertently left in it -- note 
the "Transcript halt show: ..." after the ifFalse: ;-)


  -- Scott


>bindTemp: name
>	"Declare a temporary; error not if a field or class variable."
>	scopeTable at: name ifPresent:[:node|
>		"When non-interactive raise the error only if its a duplicate"
>		(node isTemp or:[requestor interactive])
>			ifTrue:[^self notify:'Name is already defined']
>			ifFalse:[Transcript halt
>				show: '(', name, ' is shadowed in "' 
>, class printString, '")']].
>	^ self reallyBind: name

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