A couple of newbie questions

Paul Grunwald pgrunwald at comcast.net
Thu Oct 14 02:17:12 UTC 2004

I'm trying to learn Squeak with the 3.7-5989-full version I downloaded this

A) I have encountered a bug and I was trying to report it -  I have a couple
of questions.

	1) As per the wiki - http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/398, should
a 3.7 bug be reported here or in Mantis?

	2) I could not find this feature - "From the debugger menu, do "mail
out bug report".  Is it still in 3.7?

FYI - the bug is a crash when I try and open IRC from the world menu.

B)  Will there be a port for FreeBSD of 3.7 soon?  I was going to try and
compile it myself but the link (ftp://st.cs.uiuc.edu/Smalltalk/Squeak/3.7)
from the download page, unix section is broken.


p.s. if some of this is obvious, gentle illumination would be greatly

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