
Hilaire Fernandes hilaire at
Sat Oct 30 07:56:31 UTC 2004

I have found the following to be working:

decode := Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToChars:
	(ReadStream on: ((result valueNamed: 'image') asString)).

Then using (decode contents) to access to the image contents

Hilaire Fernandes a écrit :
> Hello,
> I try to figure out how to use the Base64MimeConverter class to encode 
> binary (image content from a WAFile instance) to base64 format, so I can 
>  safely upload it into a MySQL BLOB.
> However when I encode with:
> encode := Base64MimeConverter mimeEncode:
>     (ReadStream on: ((aFile contents) asString)).
> I can save it in a BLOB without problem.
> However the oposit operation is not working:
> decode := Base64MimeConverter mimeDecodeToBytes:
>     (ReadStream on: (result valueNamed: 'image')).
> I got the  following error:
> MessageNotUnderstood: SmallInteger>>asciiValue
> from the Base64MimeConverter>>nextValue method.
> It looks like it is expecting a char but it gots a SmallInteger.
> Does it come from the initial conversion?
> Or should I convert the initial content a Stream of char? How?
> Thanks
> Hilaire

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