[ENH][FIX] Color picker

Lic. Edgar J. De Cleene edgardec2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Tue Sep 14 10:28:21 UTC 2004

On 13/09/04 17:06, "John M McIntosh" <johnmci at smalltalkconsulting.com>

> At ESUG 2004  I was informed there was a problem picking color to make
> wonderful artwork.
> It appears this is likely due to the fact that:
> "As reported at ESUG2004 the choice for color in the color picker
> morphic, or the paint tool morphic was lousy. First it was 16 bit
> resolution, then it was limited to a couple of hundred colors. I
> changed the size to 360*180 + grey scale which gives 64980 colors along
> with changing the color spectum form from to 32 bits versus 16. I also
> fixed some lingering bugs in the morphic painting tool when it enforces
> selection boundaries for the color selection widget. Please note for
> perfect color a better tool would be required, one that would allow you
> to access millions of colors... "
> I also noticed that both the morphic painter tool and the morphic color
> picker use two different sets of code to track the mouse location and
> the user's choice by using a small circle. Now I fixed up the morphic
> painter tool to work correctly, as far as I can tell it was broken in
> the past. However I couldn't quite see how the morphic color picker
> does it's magic (other than spinning the cpu). So I'll let someone else
> fix it?
> I'll note having a color wheel, and the ability to pick across millions
> of colors via a slider and/or using input data, and/or picking HTML
> safe colors etc etc might be nice someday too.
Here I have a selector for HTML safe colors, sure someone could improve.
Do HVHtmlColorPalette example and click your favorite color.
Later , you do HVHtmlColorPalette getColor for use.


-------------- next part --------------
'From Squeak3.6 of ''6 October 2003'' [latest update: #5424] on 14 September 2004 at 7:15:45 am'!
Object subclass: #HVHtmlColorPalette
	instanceVariableNames: ''
	classVariableNames: 'HtmlColor '
	poolDictionaries: ''
	category: 'HV-base'!

"-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- "!

HVHtmlColorPalette class
	instanceVariableNames: ''!

!HVHtmlColorPalette class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 11/3/2003 08:22'!
	| htmlValues r v a m rS vS aS x y container htmlColor htmlColorTable index |
	htmlColorTable := OrderedCollection new.
	container := PasteUpMorph new behaveLikeHolder openInWorld.
container borderWidth: 2; borderColor: Color black; color: Color white.
	htmlValues := #('00' '33' '66' '99' 'CC' 'FF' ).
	x := 0.
	y := 0.
	index := 0.
		to: 6
		do: [:rojo | 
			r := htmlValues at: rojo.
				to: 6
				do: [:verde | 
					v := htmlValues at: verde.
						to: 6
						do: [:azul | 
							a := htmlValues at: azul.
							htmlColor := '#' , r , v , a.
							htmlColorTable add: htmlColor.
							rS := (Number readFrom: r base: 16)
										/ 255.
							vS := (Number readFrom: v base: 16)
										/ 255.
							aS := (Number readFrom: a base: 16)
										/ 255.
							index := index + 1.
							m := SimpleButtonMorph newWithLabel: ''.
							m extent: 15 @ 15.
							m target: self;
								 actionSelector: #setColor:;
								arguments: (Array
								with: (htmlColorTable at: index));
								color: (Color
										r: rS
										g: vS
										b: aS).
							m label: ''.
							m position: x @ y.
							container addMorph: m.
							x := m right + 2].
					x := 0.
					y := m bottom + 2]].
	container extent: 190 @ 410! !

!HVHtmlColorPalette class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 11/1/2003 10:36'!

^ HtmlColor ! !

!HVHtmlColorPalette class methodsFor: 'as yet unclassified' stamp: 'edc 11/1/2003 10:36'!
setColor: b

HtmlColor _ b! !

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