"Backport" in Monticello

Avi Bryant avi at beta4.com
Tue Sep 14 14:13:53 UTC 2004

One of the new features in the just released version of Monticello is a 
new "Backport" button on the Monticello Browser.  Backporting is a way 
of selectively moving changes from a version to its ancestor (perhaps 
from a private or experimental branch back to the mainline), without 
introducing conflicts into future merges.

To use Backport, you must have just saved your working copy - if your 
package is marked with the modified *, Backport will be disabled.  When 
you press Backport, you will first be asked to pick the ancestor 
version you want to backport to.  You will then be presented with a 
multi-select list of all the changes between that ancestor and the 
current version.   Choose only the changes you want to backport, and 
then press the "Select" button.

Any changes you didn't select will then be reverted; that is, your 
image will now contain only the code from the ancestor version, plus 
the changes that you chose.  You can now save this backported version, 
merge it into something else, or whatever you like.

The system records the fact that this new version was backported from a 
later version, and will make use of that information when merging.  For 
example, if you backport some changes in version C to its ancestor A, 
making a backported version B, and you then make some new changes to B 
and save that as B', then when merging B' into C, only the difference 
between B and B' will be considered.  One possible scenario this 
enables is the following:

The "maintainer" has a mainline branch.
The "contributor" sends the maintainer a version with two different 
changes, X and Y.
The maintainer only wants to integrate change X, and asks the 
contributor to separate it out.
The contributor backports change X to a released version, and sends 
this backport to the maintainer.
The maintainer merges the backport into the mainline, and later release 
a new version.
The contributor should be able to merge this new release into their 
branch, without:
- losing change Y
- having any conflicts to do with change X

In other words, it's possible to keep two parallel branches, and 
repeatedly but selectively merge between them, without seeing any 
spurious conflicts or unexpected removals.

At various points there have been requests that when merging versions, 
you be able to select only some of the changes to merge.  You can use 
the Backport facility to do this as follows:

- load the version you want to merge some of the changes from
- backport those changes to the common ancestor with the version you 
want to merge into
- save this backported version
- load your version, and merge in the backport

Eventually, it would of course be nice to have a more automated UI for 
doing that...

Anyway, please let me know what your experiences are with this feature, 
both good and bad, or if you need more info about it.


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