working groups (was Re: CampSmalltalk: Unstable stream opened for 3.8a)

Kamil Kukura kamk at
Fri Sep 17 05:33:38 UTC 2004

goran.krampe at wrote:
> ...
> In short - we need to move over to package oriented development with
> dependencies and all that. And the first step is a small one - to get a
> single area of the image marked with a PI pushed out into the stream
> (somehow) and to register that "package" on SM with that PI and get some
> maintainers for it.

Yes, divide and harvest. The scope of areas Squeak spans over is pretty
broad and so I welcome any effort toward specialization at given aspect.
I vote for having some _working groups_ defined in these. A working 
group focus on specific area such as VM maintainance, crossplatform 
porting, smalltalk language, kernel, file handling, packaging, 
networking, sound, morphic, etc. Every package is then assigned to 
particular working group. Unassigned package is kind of "one-man show" 
and should serve as a seed for forming a new working group.

> ...
> Remember - it gives us a very important but simple thing: A person
> responsible for a well defined part of the image. And "well defined"
> doesn't have to mean "perfectly outlined" - it just means that the
> border is sharp, even if it is in fact not totally correct. :)

I have done some preparation for a shared web application which shows 
browser on a web page (as in Seaside's code browser). It will allow to 
contribute some information to selected class, protocol or method. From 
what enters my mind, that is short comment, a poll, maintainer's note, 
todo list, etc.


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