sound player thread eats CPU

Ned Konz ned at
Sat Sep 18 21:37:15 UTC 2004

On Saturday 18 September 2004 10:45 am, Martin Kuball wrote:
> This is a problem I observerd in all squeak images I used, going back
> at least to 3.4. Now using all new 3.7 I still have the problem that
> once the Sound Player thread is activated it consumes almost all the
> CPU power that's available (ca 95%). I'm using squeak on Linux with
> the artsdsp script to route sound output to the arts daemon.

What VM are you using?

I don't see this in my system, with a 3.7b-5++ VM...

My script for starting Squeak is this (note that I am *not* going through ARTS 
but instead straight to ALSA using aoss):

# -vm sound=NAS 
# vm=/usr/local/lib/squeak/3.7b-5/squeak
# SmallLand
# vm=/usr/lib/squeak/squeak 
( aoss $vm -vm display=X11 -vm sound=OSS -nomixer -xshm -display :0 -swapbtn 
-mmap 512M "$@" >$logf 2>&1 && rm $logf) &

Ned Konz

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