#perform:#orSendTo: question

Boris Gaertner Boris.Gaertner at gmx.net
Wed Sep 22 10:58:36 UTC 2004

"Samuel Tardieu" <sam at rfc1149.net> wrote:
To: <squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: #perform:#orSendTo: question

> >>>>> "lex" == lex  <lex at cc.gatech.edu> writes:
> lex> Why isn't the message going to the right object to begin with?
> Good question, I'm still looking for the answer :)
in an earlier mail about the same subject, Samuel wrote:

> Can I find somewhere an explanation of how this selector is
> supposed  to be used?
Its main purpose is support for menues. The MouseMenuController
gives the model a chance to perform a selected activity, but it will
perform a default activity when the model refuses to do something.

This is in MouseMenuController>>pluggableYellowButtonActivity.
Here, the menu is sent the message  invokeOn: model orSendTo: self.
#invokeOn:orSendTo:  has only two implementors, the
CustomMenu and the SelectionMenu.
The CustomMenu uses   

  recipient perform: aSelector orSendTo: alternateServiceProvider

and the SelectionMenu implements delegation to the most 
suitable service provider with this statement:

  (targetObject respondsTo: aSelector)
       [targetObject perform: aSelector]
       [anObject perform: aSelector]

This is your proposal again.

Most implementors  of  #perform:orSendTo:
are in fact models that provide support for some
(or all) of their menue options.

Note that Model, the superclass of most application
models, has this definition:

  perform: selector orSendTo: otherTarget
   "Selector was just chosen from a menu by a user.
     If can respond, then perform it on myself.
     If not, send it to otherTarget, presumably the
     editPane from which the menu was invoked." 

  "default is that the editor does all"
  ^ otherTarget perform: selector.

That is, the default behaviour of a model is to
refuse responsibility for the menu items!

I am not aware of uses of  #perform:orSendTo:
that are not related to menues.


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