Looking for: Tutorial on hypertext (Alt-6 menu)?

Raymond Asselin raymondasselin at sympatico.ca
Sat Sep 25 01:14:12 UTC 2004

====== Forwarded Message ======
Date: 2003/07/24 16:48
Received: 2003/07/24 16:48 -0400
From: David N Smith <dnsmith at us.ibm.com>
To: Squeak List <squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>

Le 2003/07/24, David N Smith <dnsmith at us.ibm.com> écrivait :

>Attached is a small bit of smalltalk which, when filed in, creates a 
>window of text.
>The text in the window is a tutorial on hypertext as created using
>Squeak and the swici are strangly silent on the subject. With a lot of 
>exploration and some help from others I put together this brief
>Please try it out and let me know if it is confusing or wrong. I've tried 
>it on Win 3.4 - 3.6.
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