
Avi Bryant avi at
Thu Sep 30 22:32:45 UTC 2004

On Oct 1, 2004, at 12:16 AM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

> Hi!
> I just tried services, and I find really cool. The last time I was so 
> exited by an framework was Seaside's, and it was a while ago.
> Installable at Services-Base from SqueakMap.
> Really good job, indeed.

Yes, I like Services too.  I find the Services-Base package oddly 
non-base, though - I don't see why it needs to include a menu bar, a 
command-line widget, or #browseSendersClassService and 
#browseImplementorsClassService and the supporting classes they need.  
If we're going to include this in the base, maybe we can clean out some 
of these extra bits first?


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