Database options was (Re: My first Magma experience ...)

Avi Bryant avi.bryant at
Mon Apr 4 16:27:08 UTC 2005

On Apr 4, 2005 5:41 PM, Daniel Salama <dsalama at> wrote:
> My understanding from David is that the commercial license does not
> have Linux file locking support. I'd be willing to buy a commercial
> license immediately if I knew the support for Linux was there.

The second you have a commercial license, I can send you:

- An up to date version of OmniBase (commercial) with the linux file
locking merged in
- The version of OSProcess it depends on
- A tarball of the unix VM source modified to work properly with OmniBase
- A prebuilt VM for Mac OS X with the above modifications (if that's useful)

However, please do note that you can do a huge amount of evaluation,
testing and development *without* the locking support and *without*
using the commercial version... both of those are only things you
would really need for a deployment scenario.

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